Having a problem with wildlife can be extremely frustrating, but there is a solution and it is a TEMPORARY situation. Wild animals tend to be attracted to our homes as a result of:
Although you are only seeing one animal, it may not be alone. Babies are helpless when first born and are not able to go out with mom. It is critical not to trap young inside, as they will perish, possibly falling between walls, requiring expensive drywall removal, and causing bad odours if they die in inaccessible areas. |
Trapping and Relocating
It is natural to think that trapping and relocating is the answer, but STOP AND READ THIS FIRST:
There is a lot of information to digest and everyone will have their own suggestion on how to best solve your wildlife problem. It is definitely worthwhile to research all potential solutions, as there are effective and inexpensive solutions.
It is natural to think that trapping and relocating is the answer, but STOP AND READ THIS FIRST:
- Under the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources, Fish and Wildlife Conservation Act it is illegal to trap and relocate any wild animal beyond close proximity to the point of capture, which of course makes trapping quite pointless.
- Even if you could take the animal away, it opens up a space for another animal to move in to utilize the resources. Instead, you have to figure out what is attracting the animal and remove the appeal.
- Babies left to die in inaccessible places in your attic or under your step/shed will result in bad smells and a lot of money for expensive repair jobs for homeowners.
- You or your neighbours could be left with the unpleasant decision of whether to care for these baby animals or have them put down.
- A barricaded animal can cause a lot of damage trying to get back to their young, or in trying to escape.
There is a lot of information to digest and everyone will have their own suggestion on how to best solve your wildlife problem. It is definitely worthwhile to research all potential solutions, as there are effective and inexpensive solutions.
- The wildlife birthing period peaks between April and June and, for some species, an additional period between July and August
- Females seek shelter in attics, chimneys and under steps for a safe spot to have their young.
- This is a TEMPORARY situation, the safest option is to give a grace period until babies are coming out with their mom before undertaking animal proofing.
- A barricaded animal can cause damage trying to access her young or trying to get out.
- If you trap babies inside, they will die and cause a bad smell.
- Wildlife removal companies can be costly and cannot guarantee they will not create orphans.
The Ottawa-Carleton Wildlife Centre is a registered Canadian charity (#13224-0284-RR0001). Click here to make a tax-deductible donation.