The "Living with Wildlife" series was launched in 2010, a partnership between the EMC and the OCWC to celebrate local wildlife. The columns below demonstrate the rich biodiversity we have in this region.
- Getting to Know Wildlife
- Giving Wild Things a Chance
- Getting to Know Wildlife - One animal at a time
- Getting to Know Wildlife - A little beaver with a big attitude
- Getting to Know Wildlife - One smart little fox
- Getting to Know Wildlife - Tough start for these baby raccoons
- Getting to Know Wildlife - One tiny skunk
- Getting to Know Wildlife - The woodchuck and the teddy bear
- Getting to Know Wildlife - Porcupine mother gives birth
- Getting to Know Wildlife - Flying squirrels
- Living with Wildlife - Gardening tips
- Living with Wildlife - Bats
- Living with Wildlife - Beavers: Part I
- Living with Wildlife - Beavers: Part II
- Living with Wildlife - Black bears
- Living with Wildlife - Chipmunks
- Living with Wildlife - Coyotes: Part I
- Living with Wildlife - Coyotes: Part II
- Living with Wildlife - Coyotes: Part III
- Living with Wildlife - Deer-vehicle collisions
- Living with Wildlife - Large mammals
- Living with Wildlife - Mice
- Living with Wildlife - Porcupine
- Living with Wildlife - Prevention tips
- Living with Wildlife - Protecting habitat
- Living with Wildlife - Rabbits and hares
- Living with Wildlife - Raccoons
- Living with Wildlife - Red foxes
- Living with Wildlife - Skunks
- Living with Wildlife - White-tailed deer
- Paws & Claws - Living with Wildlife
- Paws & Claws - Eastern grey squirrel
- Paws & Claws - Giving wild things a chance
- Paws & Claws - More on squirrels
- Paws & Claws - Squirrels and the summer birthing season
- Paws & Claws - Tips for the garden
- Paws & Claws - Woodchuck
The Ottawa-Carleton Wildlife Centre is a registered Canadian charity (#13224-0284-RR0001). Click here to make a tax-deductible donation.