My Dog Has Been Sprayed by a Skunk
Q: How can I get rid of the smell?
A: Although there are many home remedies, we find the following solution works best:
Mix and apply to the dog using a cloth or spray bottle, leave on for about 5 minutes, then rinse thoroughly. Remember this contains peroxide, so spot test fabrics first, it may also cause a slight lightening of your dog’s fur.
Q: Is there a chance the skunk may spray me or my kids?
A: Typically only dogs get sprayed. Skunks have poor eyesight and as they are foraging for food, it is easy for a dog to sneak up on them. Dogs are very territorial by nature and will often pursue other animals. Once cornered, the skunk has few options. If they have time they will give off a warning by raising their tail and stamping their front paws, for people this would mean time to turn and leave, but unfortunately for dogs, it just seems to get them more worked up. If they move in on the skunks they will get sprayed. Skunks will spray only when seriously threatened, they do not want to run up and spray you or your family. If you do happen to cross paths with a skunk, just back off quietly and all will be fine.
Q: What can I do so my dog does not get sprayed again?
A: About 5 minutes before letting your dog out, especially at night, turn on an outside light and then go out on the step and make some noise. Since skunks hear far better than they see, this is a good method of alerting the skunk that danger is coming and they should take cover.
A: Although there are many home remedies, we find the following solution works best:
- 1 quart 3% hydrogen peroxide
- 1/4 cup baking soda
- 1 teaspoon liquid soap
Mix and apply to the dog using a cloth or spray bottle, leave on for about 5 minutes, then rinse thoroughly. Remember this contains peroxide, so spot test fabrics first, it may also cause a slight lightening of your dog’s fur.
Q: Is there a chance the skunk may spray me or my kids?
A: Typically only dogs get sprayed. Skunks have poor eyesight and as they are foraging for food, it is easy for a dog to sneak up on them. Dogs are very territorial by nature and will often pursue other animals. Once cornered, the skunk has few options. If they have time they will give off a warning by raising their tail and stamping their front paws, for people this would mean time to turn and leave, but unfortunately for dogs, it just seems to get them more worked up. If they move in on the skunks they will get sprayed. Skunks will spray only when seriously threatened, they do not want to run up and spray you or your family. If you do happen to cross paths with a skunk, just back off quietly and all will be fine.
Q: What can I do so my dog does not get sprayed again?
A: About 5 minutes before letting your dog out, especially at night, turn on an outside light and then go out on the step and make some noise. Since skunks hear far better than they see, this is a good method of alerting the skunk that danger is coming and they should take cover.
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